Warren Rupp  Celebrates IDEX Corporate Social Responsibility Award for 2021

Warren Rupp, member of the IDEX family of brands for over 30 years, was selected as the recipient of the Corporate Social Responsibility Award for it’s community contributions during the 2021 fiscal year. Originally founded in Mansfield, Ohio in 1965, Warren Rupp has a long history of being involved in and giving back to the very community a majority of it’s employees call home.

Warren Rupp wins IDEX 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Award

There are many ways a business can make a positive impact on the world and it has to start with courage, candor, and compassion. The Fran and Warren Rupp Foundation, a nonprofit organization established by the businesses founder, Warren and his wife, carries a long history of philanthropy in the greater Mansfield area based on that exact principle. Warren Rupp still holds financial giving in high regard as valuable philanthropic tool, but the business always makes an effort to go the extra mile and provide hands-on service to its community.

In 2021, Warren Rupp participated in partnership with the Mansfield area YMCA to initiate a program specifically designed to serve children in the community called Serving Up Summer. During the school year, local schools provide many children of all ages with their meals throughout the day, but during the summer months those resources are not accessible.

This program, hosted by the YMCA with manpower provided by volunteer Warren Rupp employees takes place over the ten week span from the beginning of June through the end of July. The objective is to build nutritious food sacks of nonperishable items to be taken home by the children every Friday to guarantee they will have food for the table over each weekend. Another part of Serving Up Summer is to tend the community garden on YMCA grounds.

In the end, there are hundreds of ways a person or a business can give back to its local community, and if you speak to anyone involved in these types of partnerships, every little bit counts. Warren Rupp has always and will continue to place service before self, because that is the recipe for creating a winning team in a local community. 


Great Teams for a Great Future: The Warren Rupp and Abel Brand Partnership


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